So, I’ve been messing around with this sweater knitting machine lately, and let me tell you, it’s been a wild ride. I got this idea in my head that I was gonna be some kind of knitting whiz, cranking out sweaters like a pro. Spoiler alert: it didn’t quite go down like that.

First off, I got the machine. It was a beast! Way bigger than I expected. Unboxing it felt like Christmas, except with more confusing metal parts.
Setting up the beast
- Found a big enough table (my kitchen table was sacrificed).
- Spent a good hour just trying to figure out the instructions. I mean, who writes these things?
- Finally, I managed to get the thing assembled, more or less.
Next up, choosing the yarn. Oh boy, did I go down a rabbit hole with that one. I ended up buying way too much yarn in all sorts of colors and textures. My living room started looking like a yarn store exploded in there.
Getting the hang of it
- Tried to cast on (that’s knitting lingo for starting, apparently). Disaster.
- Yarn kept slipping, needles were jammed, I’m pretty sure I invented a few new curse words.
- Watched like a million YouTube tutorials. Some were helpful, some were just people showing off their perfect knitting skills. Rude.
After what felt like an eternity of trial and error (mostly error), I finally started to get the hang of it. It was slow going, but I actually made a few rows that looked somewhat like knitting! I was so proud of those wonky rows, I took a picture and sent it to everyone I know.
Almost there…
- Kept knitting, row after row. The machine made this satisfying clack-clack sound, which was kinda therapeutic.
- Started getting a little overconfident. Maybe I was a natural after all?
- Dropped a stitch. Or maybe ten. It all unraveled faster than my dreams of becoming a knitting master.
I’m not gonna lie, I almost gave up a few times. But I persisted. I learned how to fix dropped stitches (sort of), how to change colors (messy, but doable), and how to not throw the whole machine out the window in a fit of rage.
And then, finally, after many long hours and a whole lot of tangled yarn, I finished my first sweater! It’s definitely not perfect. It’s a little lopsided, the sleeves are probably different lengths, and there are a few holes where there shouldn’t be. But you know what? I made it. With my own two hands (and a very complicated machine). And that’s pretty darn cool, if I do say so myself.
It’s a reminder that even if things are tough, you can still make something. Maybe it won’t be perfect, but it’ll be yours. I wear it, imperfections and all. So, yeah, that’s my sweater knitting machine adventure. Would I do it again? Probably. Am I going to be selling sweaters on Etsy anytime soon? Definitely not.